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4 de octubre del 2024



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Oportunidad de empleo: MacEwan University busca profesor asistente de español

Perfil solicitado: The Department of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and Science at MacEwan University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment in Spanish at the rank of Assistant Professor. Although the area of specialization for this position is open, you will complement our current faculty members’ areas of expertise and will have experience teaching Spanish language acquisition courses as well as Hispanic literatures and cultures. Experience teaching upper-level content courses (e.g. Translation or Spanish for the Professions) would be an asset. Native or near native fluency in Spanish is required.


Documentos requeridos: You will submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching dossier (including recent teaching evaluations), statement of research interests, and samples of scholarly work.


Cómo realizar tu solicitud: To apply, please head to, select the job opportunity and click Apply Now. If you require assistance, please contact us at (Competition No. 24.10.292).


Fecha límite: A review of applications will begin October 27, 2024 and continue until a suitable candidate is found.


El boletín semanal de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas contiene noticias, convocatorias y mensajes de interés para nuestros miembros. Si quiere enviar un mensaje u otras noticias a los socios, envíe un email a la secretaria, Erin Cowling







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Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas.

Canadian Association of Hispanists.

Association Canadienne des Hispanistes.


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